Monday, March 21, 2011

Vintage purses

via Vanessa Jackman

While looking around for what seems like forever for a brown leather handbag with a slightly Seventies feel, I noticed that the price of leather bags seems to have crept up over the past couple years.  And stores are charging an arm and a leg for vinyl bags these days.  So, what's a girl to do?  Go vintage.  The craftsmanship is generally better at a fraction of the price, and it has the added benefit of being very environmentally friendly.
I have mixed feelings about wearing leather.  I'm not a vegan but I don't really like the idea of wearing animal skins.  So-called "Vegan" bags are usually made from PVC or polyurethane, which is very bad for the planet and seems counter-productive to trying to live a "greener" lifestyle.
I came across a post on Alicia Silverstone's great website, where she explains how she makes just this choice while shopping.
I found a couple of great-looking options on ebay, like this frame purse and this saddlebag, but I bet a trip to a local thrift store could yield some finds.
Gotta love fashion that's both economical and eco-conscious!

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